Thursday, June 21, 2012

Coconut Water for Hydration

Coconut Water is high in potassium, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium, and has been used by The Pittsburgh Penguins and other NHL teams for hydration for at least the last four years in addition to he  other more common hydration drinks  like Powerade and Gatorade  because it has 15 times the potassium of those common sports drinks. In February 2010, Madonna,  invested $1.5 million in  Brazilian Vita Coco coconut water after discovering its hydration benefits on her last world tour.
Recently Pepsi announced it will sell its own version of coconut water called "Naked Coconut Water".  Coconut water is high in Vitamin C, contains no cholesterol and has no added high fructose corn syrup-- it's only ingredient is natural coconut water, or as it's ads say "just coconut and a straw.
  The Gloucester Catholic Cross Country Team has been using coconut water for the past few seasons. The team seems to liker the pineapple and mango versions of coconut water the best. Coconut water contains more potassium than two bananas (to prevent cramping) and it tastes great which aids in hydration, and it also contains much less sodium than the usual sports drinks.
Coconut waters two major drawbacks have been availability and cost.
 Now that coconut water is getting some press, it is also easier to find in our local stores. Recently we've been able to find it in many of the supermarkets in Southern New Jersey for the first time.
 Hopefully with a variety of sources of coconut water becoming more prevalent, and with the Material Girls financial muscle behind it, Coconut waters cost will drop as well.

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