Runners Gazette Interview with Freddi Carlip
Questions by George Banker
How did you get your introduction to the
sport? Was it through school or friends?
I was never athletic and when I was growing up in
Philly in the 1950s, girls weren't
supposed to be. I had no desire to run or play ball. I tried tennis and didn't
like it. I hated gym, and had a fear of water, so I had no swimming skills.
Friends made fun of how I ran during games of tag. I would much rather be home
reading a book.
That changed in April 1978 when I took my first steps
as a runner. I had two small children and I needed to work off the stress of
everyday life. Running was becoming popular and I loved watching track and
Olympic running events. I was 33 years old.
My late ex-husband, Harry, suggested I try running. He
had run for a long time. I had no interest.
I decided to give it a try. I wore an old pair of
nylon shorts, a Star Wars T-shirt, a
maternity bra, white socks, and Etonic tennis sneakers. My kids were at
school, Michael in pre-school, Marcy in elementary school.
I didn't worry about how I looked. I went outside and
began to run. We lived in Lake Mohawk, NJ. Our house was in the Alpine section
which meant hills. I ran as fast as I could and then, breathless, I began to
walk, then ran again, walked, and then ran. The loop was 1.5 miles. I did it
maybe 3-4 times a week. I considered myself a runner and I began to feel better
and better each time I ran and walked.
When we moved to Lewisburg, PA in June 1978, a group
of women were running early in the morning. I joined them. It was a two-mile
loop and it was fun and we talked and kibitzed as we ran. And I got my first pair of running shoes:
Brooks Villanova.
I kept a running log in a small notebook. When Jim
Fixx's running log came out, I switched and loved keeping track of each run, my
times, and the miles; PRs in training or in races; course descriptions, who I
ran with; this a history of my years of running. I still keep a log. It's
important to me, although what I note is different from when I was competitive.
A year later, one member of our running group and I
entered a local 10K. The other group members begged off. The Bull Run Run 10K
was a hilly course around Lewisburg. We ran and then walked; repeat...until we
got to the finish line. We were last and everyone was cheering! Molly and I were
flying high. We couldn't believe we finished a 10K when the longest we had ever
run was two miles. A member of our group congratulated us and said, “I am so
proud of you. You did it! I wish I had done it with you.” My first race. I was
Freddi bringing it home in a race. |
What were the opportunities for female
athletes in the sport?
Women were not allowed to run the marathon in the
Olympics, or the 5000 and 10,000 meters. The reasons ranged from: their bodies
couldn't take it to why would anyone want to watch?
In many races,
age groups weren't equal. The breakdown for men was usually10 years. For
women, Under 35 and Over 35, were
typical. Maybe two awards for each. Some races added a Masters category for
women (40 and Over), but that wasn't common. Bigger races tended to give equal
awards; smaller races balked. I was told by more than one race director that
when more women showed up, they would think about adding more age groups. The
logic was backward which I told the race directors. A few called me a “Women's
Libber.” I was proud of that. This was the late '70s and Women's Lib was a big
topic as the Equal Rights Amendment was working its way through the states.
Sadly, it still needs to be ratified.
Moving Comfort was the first company—and founded
by women—who made running clothes for
women. Finally, shorts that fit, tank tips, bras made for running (JogBra),
warmup suits, leisure was this woman runner's Nirvana.
There were trailblazers like the late Browning Ross
who recognized women in our sport and were censured by the AAU for that. The
Road Runners Club of America worked very hard for equality in our sport and was
instrumental in getting the marathon, 10K, and 5K into the Olympics.
Browning Ross |
Were there any role models?
There were. Names that most runners today wouldn't
recognize: Jan Merrill, Julie Brown, Miki Gorman, Grete Waitz, Joan Benoit
Samuelson, Marty Cooksey, Lynn Jennings, and Lorraine Moller.
Joan Benoit Samuelson |
Grete Waitz
How did the Runner’s Gazette get started?
Runner's Gazette got its start in Lansford, PA, by the
late Ed Gildea. Ed was a runner who published the Valley Gazette. Hayden
Gilmore assisted, covering races and writing shoe reviews. The first issue was
published in September 1976. Harry and I became subscribers on the recommendation
of a friend. It had a local flavor and I submitted race info about our running club's races which ran in
the Calendar of Coming Events and then I would submit articles about the races.
It had a loyal following and contributors including
Browning Ross, Gary Fanelli, Rich Benyo, Elliot Denman, and Nick Marshall.
In 1979, RG was for sale. Harry and I thought
about buying it, but we missed our chance and RG moved to Medford, NJ
with Jo and Harry Wiggins at the helm. Not a year later, RG was for sale
again. This time Harry and I jumped at the chance! After all, we were runners
and we loved to write. How hard could it be?
We published our first issue in February 1981. We knew
nothing about publishing. These were the days before everything was
computerized. We learned quickly how to operate our very own typesetting
machine (Compugrahpic IV) and enlisted Marsha Scott Gori to do our layout.
Marsha had been an editor and writer and had recently stepped down as editor of
Lewisburg's local weekly. She truly was my mentor. The old days:
Non-reproducible pens, light tables, layout sheets, waxers and rollers,
half-tones, the USPS second-class mailing regulations—we had a very short
learning curve. I can look back and laugh at how naive we were but what a
wonderful journey.
What was the philosophy of the newspaper?
Runner's Gazette
used the tagline, “Your Hometown Running Newspaper.” RG was a
grass-roots running newspaper—the oldest running newspaper in the US. We
included results from more small races than big ones; races in small
communities where the age-group winners and overall winners could see their
names in print. We had a Poets' Corner for budding running poets. Our Calendar
was well known for how complete it was. This is way before the Internet took
over. Race directors mailed us race flyers or we picked them up at the race. We
included every race write-up sent to us. Some race directors just sent a list
of winners. We'd construct an article around those results. I loved that people
wanted to write articles and take pictures for RG. We considered
everyone—contributors and subscribers—our RG family and kept it very
personal. My kids grew up with RG, covered races, learned how to use a
professional voice to take business calls, and got used to a new life, owning
and publishing a newspaper.
My daughter made two buttons for me. One said “Editor”
and one said “Mom.” Depending on which
button I was wearing, my kids knew whether I was busy with work or I was Mom.
Most times I wore both buttons.
We considered ourselves a Mid-Atlantic running
publication and also included races from all over the country.
I remember when my son, Michael, went on the RG Van
Tour. He drove through PA, NY, MD to attend. Races. He set up a table, our RG
banner, gave out back issues of RG,
talked about RG, got race information. And Michael became the face of RG during a
summer while he was in college. We built great relationships from that.
Freddi and Jerry Nolan |
What was the running environment when you
Men who ran and
weren't raining for the Olympics were considered a little crazy, or odd. Why
run just to run, people wondered. It was worse for women. We were considered freaks,
drivers made crude comments, or tried to run us off the road. That happened to
my daughter, Marcy, and me on River Road in Lewisburg. A state trooper crossed
the road, and deliberately almost
sideswiped us. We both yelled at him. He backed up, stopped, and told us we
should not be running on the road. We should only run in fields, on a
track, or on grass. We told him we were
running facing traffic, on the berm, and following safety protocol. He was
still not happy. He told us to be careful and drove off in a huff. I still
remember his name.
I was also told I shouldn't run because my uterus
could begin to fall out. I had to laugh, but it was typical.
Or when my mom and my dentist told me not to beat my
then-husband in a race because women shouldn't beat their husbands at anything.
I laughed and told them I hoped that in the future I would beat him. I did beat
Harry when I ran with the late great Ben Hyser in the Brian's Run Two
Miler. I hugged Ben and thanked him.
Harry was not amused.
My mom was so against my running that I didn't tell
her I was training for a marathon. When I got home from my first marathon, I
called to tell her the news. She hung up on me.
My mom must have called my Aunt Dot after my call and
my aunt read her the riot act. She called
my back and apologized. And my mom was
more supportive of my running and also RG after that. This was not my
mom's vision for me. Instead, I was becoming my own vision.
Did the paper change any views which you
had about the sport?
I got to see running from the inside. I heard about
the squabbles between runners at races and got phone calls with complaints
about races, both big and small and the race directors, the timing, the chutes
(remember them?), the results, the lack of water on the course, and more. For
some reason, runners called RG instead of talking with the race
directors. Runners also called to complain that the results in RG were
incorrect. Again, we said to contact the race director as we printed results
sent to us by the race director.
How was the paper received?
RG always had a loyal
following. People loved the hometown feel, the non-glossy look, the personal
touch, and seeing their name in print. We had a monthly column by journalist
and runner Gil Gaul, who wrote for the Pottsville (PA) Republican before moving
to the Philadelphia Inquirer. Gil also won a Pulitzer Prize. His columns were
wonderful—they could be irreverent, serious, funny, and he always wrote with
honesty. Ed Gildea, RG's founder, was thrilled with how we
kept the grass-roots flavor that he began.
What was your attraction to getting
involved with the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA)?
I was elected president of our newly formed running
club, The Buffalo Valley Striders, in 1979. We knew it was important for our
club to be part of the Road Runners Club of America. That was my introduction.
A few months later, Harold Tinsley called to see if I
would be interested in being the RRCA PA State Representative. I gave an
enthusiastic Yes! I was involved with all PA clubs. By 1980, the number of
clubs was growing. I held state meetings, usually in a location that was easy
for clubs to get to. The first one was at our home in Lewisburg. VP-East, Ellen
Wessel (later the title was changed to Eastern Director), was planning to attend
and stay with us. She called to say that the very small plane she was on made
her sick, so she was going back to DC.
The meeting was very successful, and although we were disappointed that Ellen
couldn't attend, we had a great time. I also went to as many club meetings as I
could to talk about the RRCA.
In 1994, Henley Gabeau called to see if I would run
for Eastern Director. If I said yes, I would be on the ballot and the RRCA
delegates would vote at the national convention. I was elected and I was elated.
This was my first board position.
How did you rise through the ranks to
become the President?
I was Eastern Director for four years, elected to the
position twice. I worked with President Carl Sniffen and then Don Kardong when
he was elected. It was with Don, that I ran for vice-president. With Don as
president, we celebrated the 40-year anniversary of the RRCA. I was asked by
Don to be in charge of publishing a book about the RRCA. We called it Boom:
Forty Years for Running and Writing with the RRCA. We liked the
“boom” signifying the start of a race and also the RRCA. “Boom” was a wonderful
project. I put out a call for submissions within the RRCA, asked my friend, an
editor at Random House, to be editor and proofreader, and found a local
printer. We wanted the book to be ready
for our anniversary year: 1998. And I am proud to say that it was. Boom was
well received.
“Boom” was dedicated to the RRCA's founder, Browning
Ross. The dedication was written by Joe Henderson and the foreword was written by
Kathrine Switzer.
Katherine Switzer |
We also created a new award, The Browning Ross Spirit
of the RRCA Award which is given annually to an unsung hero within the RRCA.
Dedication of the Browning Ross Monument |
I also created Miss Road Manners during Don's tenure.
In 2000, when Don's two terms were up, I decided to
run for president. It was a very exciting time. The election happened at our
convention in Peachtree City, GA. My daughter and son-in-law flew in to
celebrate with me. Don and I became good friends while he was president. I
called him for advice and counsel many times.
What were some of the issues during your
One was replacing Henley Gabeau as executive director.
She stepped down after doing so much for the RRCA and for our sport. It would
be difficult to replace her. She was a legend in the RRCA and beyond.
We put together a search committee and had excellent
candidates. We chose one who we thought would bring business and running
expertise to the RRCA. It did not work out and his methods and ideas caused a
rift within the RRCA. A group of clubs left and began a new running group. We
did eventually reunite, ask the executive director to leave, and begin the work
of healing.
It was a very stressful and intense time personally.
In addition to the RRCA's difficulties, I was going through personal
difficulties. By the time my second term ended,
the RRCA was once again where it needed to be and on the right path for
the future. The organization is strong today, and so am I.
How long were you the RRCA president?
I was president from May 2000-May 2004. I was elected
to two consecutive terms, which according to the RRCA bylaws was the most for
each board position.
What was the concept behind “Miss Road
In 1998, we were in the midst of the second running
boom. That included the Penguin aka John Bingham's runners and Team in
Training. Charity runs were taking off. The motto was: it's not how fast you
run, it's being out there and finishing, no matter how long it takes.
The board of the RRCA was getting a lot of complaints
of new runners in races not knowing the etiquette of racing, and also training.
Our president, Olympian Don Kardong, wanted to address this
Don Kardong |
issue and we
discussed it at board meetings. I was RRCA Veep at this point. I offered to
write some guidelines for runners. I would be patterned after Miss Manners,
Judith Martin, and I would be Miss Road Manners, even wearing white gloves when
I spoke at running club meetings and pre-race events. Miss Road Manners also
wrote a column in the RRCA publication, Footnotes. She answered
questions about proper race and road etiquette. She wrote guidelines that were
posted on the RRCA website. We had a pamphlet designed and printed with the
guidelines to hand out at events.
My alter ego, Miss Road Manners, became very popular.
She traveled to clubs around the country, white gloves in hand, to talk about
running manners. She used humor and had
fun with everyone attending.
At one RRCA convention, we had running writer Jim Hage debate The Penguin—John Bingham—who promoted running slow and just finishing. Miss RM was the moderator. There were no fisticuffs, the two guys were gentlemen. The attendees loved it.
Miss Road Manners Proclamation |
Miss RM was interviewed for radio and TV and was even
the subject of a nasty letter sent to the New York Times after an article
appeared about Miss RM. For me, it was
fun having an alter ego and spreading the “road manners gospel.” I am proud of
having brought Miss RM to life and helping new runners learn the rules of the
road, track, trail, and race.
If you had a chance to offer changes in
the sport, what might be three things?
1. Ditch headphones. When I
see runners and walkers wearing headphones, I get upset. They can't hear
traffic, other people, any potential hazards. They are almost oblivious to
their surroundings. It's a dangerous situation. And I'll add to this, practice
proper road manners: run facing traffic, and if there is oncoming traffic, get
into a single file if you're in a group.
2. If you are a slower
runner, do not start in the front of the pack. Let faster runners have a chance
to have a smooth start without dodging slower people.
3. Races have turned into
events. It's about swag, a banquet at the end of the event (they aren't races
anymore), music on the course, and more. I enjoy smaller races because they
keep the spirit of racing as the top priority.
I'm adding an extra one: New runners should—actually must—learn the history of
our sport. I can't even remember the number of times I'd mention Bill Rodgers,
or Steve Prefontaine, or Grete Waitz, Kathrine Switzer, Joan Benoit, Frank
Shorter, Nina Kucsik, Ted Corbitt, Browning Ross, and get blank stares. It's
important to know the pioneers, our history, and how we got to the present.
Runners Gazette poster signed by the great Bill Rodgers |
What personal achievements did you have
with your running and high points?
I've won my share of age-group awards at big and small
races. These races stand out:
Winning First Journalist at the Appleton-Ting 10K in
Jamaica in 1989. I won a huge trophy and a Jamaican seven-day vacation.
Freddi in Isreal |
I was second in my age group at the Peace Race 10K in
Israel which runs along the Dead Sea heading to Masada. I had no idea I won an
award as the results board was written in Hebrew, and my Hebrew is rusty (an
understatement). A runner saw me looking at the board and asked my name. I told
him and he said, “You won an award. Second in your age group.” The award meant
so much to me, as a Jewish woman. I brought home a medal and a gift bag of
Ahava skin-care products. Unforgettable.
The whole experience of being in Israel and meeting my
cousin Shimon for the first time had a profound effect on me.
I won the first woman overall at the Eckley Miner's
Village, PA 10K. I had no idea I was the first woman until I finished.
Mostly, though, it was the people I've met and the
experiences I've had. I've traveled throughout the US, and run races in many
states and other countries. In Kenya, I helped give out water at the Safaricom
Half-Marathon/Marathon ran part of the course, and realized not every Kenyan
is in elite shape. They were running in the race for the sheer joy of it.
Experiencing Kenya, camping under the stars, running at our camp with wildlife
all around, talking with Masai, being
with journalists from all over the world, was a never-to-be-forgotten
Freddi with the Masai |
I was team manager for the US Women's Ekiden team in
2002. The event was held in Seoul Korea. I had the opportunity to run on the
Olympic track, wear our team uniform and proudly represent the USA. It was so
fun to be with my team. We had some unique adventures, not on the prepared
itinerary. Our team competed against teams from all over the world. I became
friends with the Russian and Ukrainian coaches. They presented me with a bottle
of Russian vodka at the closing banquet to show their appreciation. The vodka
was delicious. I still have the box (the writing is all in Russian) as a
My first race, the Bull Run Run 10K. I ran with my
friend, Molly. We had never run that distance before; two miles was our limit.
And yet we finished and the course is hilly. We walked, talked, and ran...and
finished last. A wonderful memory. We were so proud.
My first marathon—Harrisburg, PA, 1983. it was
remarkable. My late ex-husband ran with me and helped me train. His method worked. So did the “flat” Coke at
about 20 miles. This was what we used way back for energy in long races. When I
crossed the finish line, I jumped in the air! And I was third in my age group.
Running races and also training with my daughter,
Marcy. A mom-daughter bond that became stronger on each run and in each race. I
was so proud of her when she finished a good bit ahead of me in a race in
Baltimore. Marcy apologized. I laughed and told her that she made me proud and
no apology was necessary. It was Mother's Day 1997 and we spent the weekend in
“Running with my Dream Team,” autumn 1997, NYC. I was
asked by my friend and also an inspiration, Kathrine Switzer, to attend the
kick-off press conference for the Avon Global Women's Running Circuit.
After the press conference, Kathrine and I went back
to her apartment. She had invited me to stay with her and Roger Robinson, her husband.
Kathrine and I changed into running clothes and headed to Central Park for an
Avon photo shoot. There they were, my dream team: Marty
Cooksey...Julie Brown...Nancy Conz...Grete Waitz...Joan Benoit
Samuelson...Lorraine Moller...Lynn Jennings...with Cheryl Collins, Yuko
Arimori, Valentina Yergorova, and Joyce Smith.
Freddi and Grete Waitz |
Kathrine asked me to run with these running heroes and I jumped at the
chance. I led the group because I'm short. I ran next to Grete and Joan. We
talked. We laughed. We joked. And it was captured on videotape.
The photographer was next and again I was part of the group. The
photographer was on roller skates, skating backwards as we ran toward him. This
time I was again in front, with Marty Cooksey next to me.
have framed photos of my Dream Team run. I'll never forget it and am eternally
grateful to Kathrine for asking me to be part of this memory-making day.
What changes have you seen in the sport
over the years?
Our sport has seen the phenomenal growth of women
taking to the roads and races. And big races have turned into big events to
lure runners. The cost, though, can be prohibitive for many people. Those with disposable income
combine vacations with big races. Even smaller races can be expensive. Putting
on a race, no matter the size takes a lot of time and money, and volunteers.
They really are big productions, like staging a play.
Freddi outside the Olympic Stadium in Seoul, South Korea
Most races are now charity events, or that's a big
component. Many runners gain entry by fundraising for the charity.
Runners of a certain age remember no-frills races,
where you got water and your time and you just wanted to finish in your goal
time. And also enjoy the camaraderie afterward, maybe go out for a beer and
pizza with friends to rehash the race. These are some of my best race memories.
If it were not the Runner’s Gazette, what
would have been the road you would have followed?
I graduated from Temple University in Philly with a
degree in Elementary Education. I taught until I had my first child, Marcy, in
1970. I began to substitute teach when Marcy and Michael were in school. I was
also publishing RG every month. In my heart, though, I always wanted to
write. My parents urged me to become a teacher. That was typical when I was in
college. It was something I could fall back on, my parents told me.
I wanted to go into journalism, public relations, or
advertising. And perhaps that's what I would have done if my life led to a
different path. I am involved in journalism with RG and also my social
column and even Miss Road Manners. I do a lot of personal writing, too. The
words pour out from my heart. I try and write a weekly Jewish Shabbat (Sabbath)
post for my Facebook page. Friends have told me how they are inspired and
helped by my words. There is no better reward than knowing you have touched people's
Running has been an inspiration to me with my writing
too. I have birthed more than a few poems while running.
What did you give up along the way to be
where you are now?
Time with friends and family. I was focused on my
running, on the RRCA, and on RG. I traveled a lot when I was on the RRCA
board, especially as president and also as Miss Road Manners, and with RG.
As I've gotten older, I've realized, time with family
and friends cannot be recovered. No race, no organization should keep you from
the important people in your life.
Are there any things you would like to
There are always things I wish I had done differently,
in many ways, so yes. Saying that I try not to live in the past and focus on
regrets. The present is all we have and we can't change the past. We can,
though, learn from it. I hope that I have learned from the past and continue to
learn and grow as a person in every way.
What impact by the COV-19 pandemic have
you seen?
Races had to immediately change. They had almost no
warning as things shut down at the beginning of the Pandemic. Thankfully, we
could still run. Big races such as Boston, Cherry Blossom, Marine Corps, Philly
Marathon and Broad Street had to change the way they conducted races. Some
races—big and small—were postponed. We had no idea how long we would be living
with the Pandemic. As the months went by, virtual races became popular. People
could be entered in a race, run the distance in their own environment, and have
their time recorded. It was a welcome alternative.
The Olympics were postponed and all of the athletes
who had hoped to compete had to deal with the disappointment and their
uncertain future.
There was a financial impact too not only for races
and the charities many races worked with, but also for the other businesses and
groups that were part of the racing/running scene.
Freddi with US Olympic Team at the 2002 Seoul Olympics |
What do you want the reader to know about
Freddi Carlip?
Running helped me blossom into the person I was meant
to become. It has taken me on a journey that I couldn't have imagined as
a young Jewish girl growing up in Northeast Philly. I am now 76, which
sometimes amazes me. I am blessed to still be running, and I mix it with
walking. I have evolved from being very competitive to just getting out every
other day and enjoying the outdoors, the sights and sounds of nature.
I am more than running or Runner's Gazette. I
write poetry. I enjoy photographing nature. I am an avid birder and have
created a wildlife sanctuary at my home. I am a
Mummer, having marched with the Fralinger String Band and the Quaker
City String Band in parades and have my own Mummers suit.. If you're from
Philly, you understand and I am a Philly Girl always, even living in Central PA.
Music. Books. Writing. Running and Walking...these bring me joy. I am a mom and
a Bubbie (the Jewish word for grandmother) and love my family more than I can
express. I am a free spirit and, dress how I want, have Eagles green in my
hair, and consider Auntie Mame one of my heroes. See the movie, starring Rosalind
Russell, if you don't know who she is.
Davy Jones and Freddi |
I was friends with the late Davy Jones (The Monkees)
until he passed away and was in charge of the guest book at his memorial
service. Davy moved to Central PA years ago. He entered some local races until
a knee injury forced him to stop running.
I am the Hedda Hopper (look her up too) and write the
social column—On the Scene—for our regional daily newspaper, The Daily Item.
Once the pandemic is behind us, I look forward to covering social events again.
I coached Forensics (speech and debate) for Lewisburg
High School and loved working with the team and also judging at tournaments.
And, something that Don Kardong loved to tell people:
I danced on Bandstand for about two years.
What words can you share with younger runners?
Remember to enjoy running. If you see running as a
chore, a “have-to,” you will hold
yourself back. Unless you enjoy running, your motivation will suffer. Have goals, but don't let them rob
you of enjoying races. If you don't achieve that PR or a rival beats you in a
race or meet, do not let it ruin the experience. It does not have anything to
do with who you are. Sulking or ruminating takes the joy out of the experience.
I can offer that advice because I had to learn it the hard way.
What has greater importance-- being a faster
runner or finding what is comfortable for the person?
When I began running, I wanted to get faster and I
worked hard to make that happen. Sadly,
I became consumed with training harder, getting a PR at every race, or winning
an award. I didn't enjoy running as much as I could have and when I was
disappointed, I sulked at home and my kids had to deal with “Mom being unhappy
about a race.”
It took many years to let myself relax and enjoy the
experience of training and of running the best I could in races. The most
important thing is to enjoy running and to have fun. We all slow down as we get
older. And we have to accept that. We are moving to a new stage on our running
journey. Take in the scenery, enjoy being able to still run or run/walk, and be
What are the words that Freddi Carlip
wants to leave on the table?
There are two quotes I try to incorporate into my life. I can't
remember where I read the first one. The second is from the movie “Auntie
Take risks. You're better off being scared than bored.
Live! Life is a banquet and too many poor fools are starving to death.
I'll add these words: Be kind to yourself and others. Be grateful.
Help others. Enjoy and respect Nature. She is a gift. Listen without interruption
when someone needs to talk. Do not look the other way when you see injustice;
speak up. Do not worry about what others think. Be who you really want to be,
not what others expect. Show love. Say I Love You to those you care about.
Live in the moment as much as you can. Life is short and it can change
in the blink of an eye. Live every day with grace.
Enjoy each run. To be able to get out and run is a gift, and it's a
gift that is more meaningful as we get older.
Peace. Love. Blessings.
Link to Runners Gazette: