Why you should try chocolate milk after
a workout.
It doesn’t just taste good. It’s also good for muscle recovery.
It doesn’t just taste good. It’s also good for muscle recovery.
Washington Post February 3
By Gabriella Boston
No gluten, no meat, no dairy: You know the story. The
don’t-eat-any-foods-from-your-childhood diet has been in vogue for a while now,
but one “bad guy” seems to be making a comeback, at least among athletes: milk.

“I think it’s great. Chocolate milk has a lot of benefits
for muscle recovery,” says Ingrid Nelson,
a personal trainer in the District. “It helps replenish the muscle tissue and
actually gives you a shorter recovery time.”
So, chocolate milk over regular milk? Both are good
choices unless they cause digestive issues, says Rebecca Scritchfield, a D.C.
nutritionist.But flavored milk — be it chocolate, strawberry or vanilla
— has a more beneficial ratio of carbohydrates to protein for muscle recovery
and rebuilding, Scritchfield says. In other words, there is nothing magical about the cacao
itself in chocolate milk; it’s the extra carbs — the sugars — that create the perfect

Nelson says that immediately on entering the body, milk
creates spikes in insulin (in this case, these are good for you) that help
transport sugar into the muscle, where it becomes glycogen. It also stimulates
muscle protein repair and growth.
The amount of carb-infused milk recommended can range
anywhere from 8 to 16 ounces depending on the intensity, frequency and duration
of the exercise as well as the person’s gender, size and age. So, let’s do the math on milk vs. flavored milk to reach
the right 4:1 ratio.
An eight-ounce glass of 2 percent milk has 12 grams of
carbohydrates and 8 grams of protein. Nowhere near the recommended 4:1 ratio.
That means — should you choose to make your own
post-exercise milk drink — you would need to add about 20 grams of
carbohydrates. For example, a small banana has about 20 grams of carbs. Voila!
There is your flavored post-exercise sports drink.

Garbriella Boston website: http://www.gabriellaboston.com/
Follow @gabriellaboston