Thou know'st we work by wit, and not by witchcraft; And wit depends on dilatory time."
As a high school English teacher, Ted Callinan could easily identify and identify with this quote from Shakespeare's Othello.
Patience is a virtue that Ted has displayed in a consistenly excellent running career from his freshman year at Gloucester Catholic ,winning the South Jersey Frosh cross country title in 1988 to a sparkling 7th place 49:41 finish in the 2007 Broad Street run (ten miles). Ted has displayed patience and plenty of talent in fulfilling his potential. From his Meet of Champions races at Gloucester Catholic, to his outstanding collegiate career at Brandeis (where Ted graduated with an English and American Literature degree in 1996), to his post collegiate career, Ted has been able to maintain his high level of performance for close to 20 years. Ted the middle child among five Callinan boys, is a 1992 graduate of Gloucester Catholic (NJ) High School. Ted followed his brother Chris (1988), also an outstanding runner at GC. Chris is presently a track and cross-country coach at Cherokee.
Ted currently resides in Haddon Township where his average training week is 100 miles.
Ted's PR's also include: 3:51 for 1500 meters
14:19 for 5000 meters 23:47 for 8000 meters (approx. five miles)
1:06.39 for the half marathon at the the Phila Distance Run and
a sparkling 2:21.22 at the Phila marathon.
Teds favorite workouts share the basic outline of Coach Jack Daniels training system: 5 x a mile on the track with 1 minute rest then a hard ten miles on the road or 2 x 2 miles then the 10 hard road miles or even 3 x 2 miles with the hard 10 mile to follow.
Ted's favorite pre race meals are bagels, Gatorade, Power Bars and Snickers Marathon bars.
His running philosophy: "I had a t-shirt that I wore a good deal as a Freshman at GC. It had a sketch of a guy running on a winding, hilly road. It read: "The road is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running."